Our School

At St. Leo Catholic School, it is our mission to be an inclusive Catholic learning community that inspires every student to achieve their full potential through faith and education. We recognize our call to love and serve from our Master teacher Jesus Christ, and we are committed to creating a Catholic learning community under the protection of Mother Mary.

The Catholic Graduate Expectations are our foundation as we strive for academic excellence and the acknowledgement of those who achieve it. We recognize God as the source of all life and actively work to focus on social issues within our local and global communities.

We celebrate the diversity within our community with a collaborative approach to learning, in cooperation with parents, the Catholic faith community, and other organizations that recognize the value of our mission. Within the context of Catholic teaching and Sacramental living, our school community strives to demonstrate respect and reverence for all life, thus nurturing a safe, Christian environment for the entire school community.

School Year Calendar 
Our board's School Year calendar is now available. We encourage parents and guardians to stay informed of upcoming school events, we ask that you please subscribe to our school calendar web page to receive the latest updates and emails on activities happening at school. 
Child Care Services
We are pleased to partner with YMCA to provide before and after school child care services at St. Leo Catholic School. Call our child care partner at 289-928-1582 and contact Tiffany Hickey to learn more about our services. 
School Hours

Our school hours are as follows:

8:05 a.m. - School Begins
9:30 - 9:45 a.m. - Morning recess
10:50 a.m. - 11:50 p.m. - Lunch
1:15 - 1:30 p.m. - Afternoon recess
2:35 pm - Dismissal

School's Colours 
Our school colours are navy and white. 
Patron Saint 

Our patron saint is St. Leo the Great. Pope Leo I, also known as Leo the Great, was Pope of the Christian Church from September 440 AD to his death on November 10, 461 AD. He was an Italian aristocrat who was the first Pope to have been called "The Great."

During the time he served as Pope, Italy was being attacked by barbarian armies. He is best known for having met Attila the Hun in 452 AD and persuading him to turn back from his invasion of Italy.

St. Leo the Great was not only renowned for building and restoring Churches but was also known for the spiritual leadership he provided for the Roman congregations. His sermons, of which nine have been preserved, are remarkable for their depth, clarity and style.

St. Leo died on November 10, 461 AD. His remains are buried in St. Peter's with a special altar over them. In 1754 AD, he was proclaimed Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XIV. St. Leo's Feast Day is observed on November 10th.

School Prayer 

St. Leo the Great, you always followed God's ways.
Please teach us your ways and guide us
So that we too can be faithful and successful
In our everyday lives.

We pray that you keep our staff, students, and school community safe, healthy and happy.
Help us to do our very best every day
And to reach out to those around us
Who need our support and guidance.

Guide our hearts, souls and minds as we try
To follow in your footsteps and try always to do our best.
St. Leo the Great, as we look up to you,
Please keep us in your loving heart and teach us
To be caring, loving, and gentle as you, our patron saint. 


La Priere a St. Leo

Saint Leo, tu as toujours suivi la voie de Dieu.
Enseigne-nous tes façons et guide-nous à être
fidèle et à réussir pendant notre journée.

Nous prions pour que tu gardes notre personnel,
nos élèves, et notre communauté sains, saufs et heureux. 

Aide-nous à faire notre meilleur chaque jour et à
tendre la main à ceux qui ont besoin de notre
soutien et nos prières. 

Saint Leo, garde-nous dans ton cœur aimant et
enseigne-nous à être aussi gentil, tendre et doux que toi. 



As Catholic educators, we live according to our Father's code and to lead our students, by example, to live the basic truths of the gospel message. This is an awesome, yet inspiring challenge which we share with the parents of our young men and women.

Children learn what they live. Each day we have the opportunity to teach our students:

  • to love by the way we love;
  • to be generous by our generosity;
  • to be passionate by our compassion; and
  • to be forgiving by the way we forgive.

However, a person cannot give what he or she does not have. Unless we are living the Gospel message, we cannot lead our students to do so.

There are many hallmarks of a Catholic educator, including:

  • Prayer - The challenges of our vocation, and indeed life in general, are great. To meet them we need to follow Christ's advice that we "ask the father in My name". Each Catholic educator has a duty to expose students to his or her particular style of prayer in order to assist students to recognize the value of prayer in daily life.
  • Eucharist - Parish, school, and staff liturgies provide opportunities to celebrate our faith. Our example can testify to the Eucharist as a joyful source of strength and community building.
  • Social Justice - This is the heart of the Christian message, that we "love one another as I have loved you". As our brother's and sister's keepers, we must be concerned about the aged, the poor, the oppressed, and any other marginalized group - both at home and abroad.

Below are links to resources to help you achieve success while at St. Leo Catholic School.

Contact Us

We welcome your questions, comments and concerns.

Principal: Angela Rancourt
St. Leo Catholic School
120 Watford St.,
Brooklin, ON, L1M 1H2
Phone: 905-655-3852